Super offer!
The SHORTBREAD Kit has arrived! Directly from the pages of the Blog a new idea has been born for you. Those of us who do not make Pastry at home: for the tart, biscuits, tarts. And this is where we came up with the idea of proposing a new kit that you can buy with just one CLICK.
This quick and easy pack contains everything you need to make a great SHORTCRUST PASTRY!
- WHEAT FLOUR TYPE 1 composed of a mixture of ancient grains suitable in particular for the production of shortcrust pastry and biscuits (in fact it is the one we use in our classic Subrik!)
-CARTOON CORN FLOUR a fundamental ingredient to characterize the shortbread, you can add a 20% or if you are making biscuits even a 40% on the weight of flour; If you have corn polenta at home you can also replace a part to give more crispness to your cake.
-SPELT FLOUR MONOCOCCO the second ingredient to be used inside a shortcrust pastry. This spelt is the oldest of the existing varieties, its flour in fact is very soft and lends itself to the processing of a tart or a biscuit. You can mix it to 30% with flour type 1 of soft wheat or use it also in purity if you are good at cooking.
-CREMOR TARTARO is natural yeast. You can use it as a substitute for yeast in sachet thus avoiding chemical phosphates