We change breakfast! We are used to good Italians to prefer always biscuits for breakfast. Why not try something different? The Granola could be the answer!
This mixture of cereals is perfect for starting loads to face the day. It may seem similar to Muesli but it is a different product in some respects: the granola is in fact baked in the oven; its preparation also includes the addition of an oil (in our case sunflower oil altoleico) or agave syrup to aggregate the various cereals while in Muesli this is not expected. It is also usually used in cold preparations such as milk or yogurt.
The origins of the granola date back to the mid-800’s when Dr Jackson began, in New York, some experiments mixing some cereals and seeds, calling this preparation granular. The mixture was much appreciated but fell into disuse because it took a whole night to soften the cereals before consuming them. After several years the mixture was taken by the now famous, Dr Kellog, who replaced the grains with flaked cereals and obtained a much simpler product for breakfast everyday. The granola came to the fore in the 60s with the movement Hippy and Lyton Gentry who added the old recipe with dried fruit, seeds and oil to aggregate everything.
How to use and store it
Today the Granola can be tasted in different types, from the simplest to the most delicious like our Granola Dark chocolate. You can mix it in cow’s milk or cold soy milk. To complete the breakfast you can also add a handful of dried fruits in the autumn or a handful of bran Wheat Tender, to promote the sense of satiety.
In spring and summer with the favor of the seasons we can add fresh fruit and maybe vary the diet using Kefir milk instead of classic yogurt, or simply a cup of cold tea.
The alternative is to go to DIY: buy dried fruit, the mix of seeds and organic flakes and a syrup of agave or acacia and prepare the GRANOLA HOME MADE; By mixing the products and making them bake you will get your homemade and perfect for your breakfast.
2 Useful tips:
Ideal in whole white yogurt, just two handfuls in a jar of 125ml;
Tell me what you eat and I’ll tell you who you are.