Oats are a cereal of which only the seed is consumed, both intact and decorticated. The main chemical constituents of oat seed are: starch (>70%), fibers, proteins and fats; as for the secondary compounds, however, emerge: lecithins, vitamins and minerals.
Oat flour is used for the formulation of baked goods, but it is often mixed with wheat powder for a correct rising; it is more suitable for dry processes such as, for example, biscuits. The most famous recipe of oats is undoubtedly porridge, a breakfast food of Anglo-Saxon origin. Thanks to the excellent presence of fiber, the starch of oatmeal is digested and absorbed slowly, to the advantage of the glycemic index of the food (moderate). In addition, the fibrous portion contains excellent percentages of beta-gucani, beneficial molecules for the treatment of certain metabolic pathologies such as hypercholesterolemia (especially LDL) and diabetes mellitus type 2. As for the vitamin profile, Oats contain mainly vit. B1 (Thiamine), vit. PP (Niacin) and vit. E (α-tocopherol); on the other hand, excellent concentrations of potassium, iron, phosphorus and zinc are observed in mineral salts.
-THICKENER in case we need it for roasts or other meats
-SWEET TARTS AND BISCUITS used alone or mixed with soft wheat